CLI Integration

The EkLine CLI streamlines document quality control. This guide explains the available options and provides examples for effectively using the EkLine CLI.


Download the suitable EkLine binary for your operating system from this link.


To use the EkLine CLI, execute the following command:

ekline-cli [options]


The following options can be used with the EkLine CLI:

  • v, --version

Displays the current version of the EkLine CLI.

  • d, --debug

Enables verbose logging to provide detailed debug information.

  • o, --output <output-file-name>

Specifies the output filename. If not provided, the output is displayed in the terminal. For JSON output, use the file extension .jsonl. For CSV output, use the file extension .csv.

  • ns, --no-suggestion

Disables suggestions. Please note that suggestions are only generated for .jsonl or .csv output formats.

  • i, --ignore <rules>

Ignore specified rules during the check. Pass the rules as comma-separated values. For example, EK1,EK4.

  • cd, --content-directory <contentDirectory...>

Specifies the directory paths where the content files are located. Paths should be relative to the current directory.

  • et, --ek-token <token>

Authorizes your API token. This field is mandatory.

  • h, --help

Displays the command's help information.


Below are a few examples of using the EkLine CLI:

  1. Running EkLine CLI and ignoring specific rules
ekline-cli -i EK1,EK4 --ek-token YOUR_EKLINE_TOKEN
  1. Running EkLine CLI and specifying a content directory
ekline-cli -cd ./content --ek-token YOUR_EKLINE_TOKEN

Make sure to replace YOUR_EKLINE_TOKEN with your actual API token in these examples.